Ambleside with the 5 R's

Our homeschooling blog, with schedules, diary of happenings, and entrys from the children's work.

My Photo
Location: Marysville, Pacific Northwest, United States

I am a daughter. I am a sister. I am a wife. I am a mother. I am a friend.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Week 15 '05-'06

My sweet Reuben helping to pick out the "perfect" tree. I depend so much on this great boy to lead his brothers and sisters and to help me. He is truly my right hand man. He is so talented and kind. He is growing up. He is falling in love with reading and his skills are improving immensely.
Week 15

Aesop's Fables: The Goatherd and the Goat, The Wolf and the Housedog, The Quack Toad, and The Cat and the Fox

Just So Stories: Crab

James Harriot: Smudge the Little Lost Lamb

Burgess Book of Animal Stories: Ch. 31

Children's History of the World: Ch. 60 and 61

Wind in the Willows: Ch. 11a

Art Study: Michelangelo

Because of Winn-Dixie:(audio) Ch. 1-14

Trial and Triumph: Ch. 14-15

Our Island Story: Ch.22

Because of Winn Dixie: finished

The Incredible Journey: Ch. 1-2

Year 0: Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince: Ch. 9

Field Trip: Nutcracker




Math, copywork, private reading

YMCA: Swimming

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Week 14 '05-'06

We chose our tree for the season! It was Daddy's choice, this year, to have a flocked tree...Oh my, does it sparkle in our home! We love it and we had a great time at the lot picking it out and seeing all the beautiful trees. We welcome in the Christmas season with joy! Now to only stay on task with our work! Help us, Almighty God, to be focused and not so scatterbrained!

Week 14

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince: Ch. 8a

Mary Poppins: Ch. 1

Reuben: A Little Princess: Ch. 7b-8(read to me aloud)

Viking Tales: Ch.5-6 "Foe's Fear and Harald is King"

Burgess Animal Tales: Ch. 30

Aesop's Fables: The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing, The Milkmaid and her Pail

Handicrafts: Snowflakes

YMCA: Swim and Gym

Study on Michelangelo: Written Narration, copywork